Bayram Hajizadeh
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Time. People. Cartoon”

Author: Bayram Hajizadeh

Baku 2009. 500 copies. 80 pages.

The creative work and activity of artists of different natio-nalities engaged in the field of cartoon in Azerbaijan du-ring last century have been lighted in the book. The readers have got a possibility to make the  close acquain-tance of the wellknown cartoon master Stanislav Ni-kolayevich Ashmarin’s half  a century creative work who is from Baku by origin. At the same time the artist’s recol-lections about our city and people and also his thoughts about the place,weight and prestige of Azerbaijan cartoon in the world publication have taken place in the book. The readers can also get acquain-ted  with the famous cartoo-nist’s views about yesterday and today of this kind of art and the stages of develop-ment of it and the prob-lems he comes across in the modern period of time. The artist’s more than 40 best works have been presented for readers